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What Are the Green Card Category Codes?

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There are many ways to earn a green card and obtain legal residency in the United States. A green card allows you to seek lawful permanent residence, seek benefits such as lower college costs, access unrestricted travel in and out of the US, have better career opportunities, social security benefits, and the ability to sponsor family members for immigration. Depending on the category of your green card, you may have to complete specific requirements, or your green card could become invalid. Click here to see the USCIS page on green card categories.

Some common green card categories are:

  • Green card through family
  • Employment green card
  • Special immigrant green cards, such as for abused juveniles or religious workers
  • Refugee or Asylee green card
  • Green card for human trafficking victims or victims of a crime
  • Green card for victims of abuse

What is a Conditional Green Card?

Conditional green cards grant the same rights as a permanent green card but expire after the required period unless the applicant gets their status reapproved. Temporary green cards are usually awarded to people who marry U.S. citizens. The idea is that the marriage must be a marriage based upon love and mutual moral respect. This legal phrase has been mistranslated and can create permanent disqualification.

If your conditional green card expires, you could be subject to deportation. However, the USCIS may still accept your petition to remove the conditions from your green card. Please speak with a lawyer immediately to help remove the conditions from your temporary green card.

How Can I Get the Condition Removed from My Green Card?

You may have the conditions removed from your temporary green card by successfully filing the I-751 with your spouse if you are still married. You may need to provide further evidence, such as photos of the two of you together, joint bank accounts, and affidavits from people who know you as a couple.

For divorced couples, you may still be able to have your green card conditions removed, but it will probably be a challenging process. USCIS officers are wary of individuals who have married solely for the purpose of entering the US. However, there is still hope! Working with an experienced immigration attorney can give you a chance to prove that you entered the marriage in good faith.

Should You Hire Our Immigration and Naturalization Attorney?

Getting a green card is an excellent step toward becoming a U.S. citizen. However, many green cards come with conditions that must be met. For help understanding what your green card allows and what expectations you must meet, please get in touch with our skilled immigration lawyer.

We have nearly three decades of experience helping unite families on US soil, including assisting clients in getting a green card and using Form I-751 to remove conditions from their temporary visas. Contact us today to discuss your situation and see how we can help by calling 312-728-4610.

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